Game Team is a social sports app designed to bring sport enthusiasts together, enabling them to easily connect and form game pools for an enhanced experience. The app caters to individuals who love playing multiplayer sports but often struggle to find a consistent group of players to team up with. Game Team simplifies this process by offering a platform where players can connect, communicate, and collaborate seamlessly.

Key Features:

- Game Pool Creation: Users can create or join game pools based on the multiplayer games they enjoy. They can specify the game title, preferred mode, skill level, and other relevant details to find like-minded players.

Event Scheduling: Users can schedule gaming sessions in advance and invite members from their pools to join. The app sends reminders and notifications to ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding the timing of the gaming sessions.

- Security and Moderation: The app includes measures to ensure a safe and respectful environment for all users. Reporting and moderation tools are in place to address any inappropriate behaviour.

Project completed for Coding Hands Infotech LLP, Kerala, India.

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