For Banjos Bakery & Cafe, a comprehensive UX (User Experience) design project was undertaken to enhance the functionality and aesthetics of their digital interfaces, including store-admin panels, sales machine design, and customer-facing display designs. Here is a brief description of the work done:

1. Sales Machine Design:
The sales machine design aimed to improve the customer experience during the ordering process. Key elements of the design included:
   - Intuitive user interface
   - Visual feedback
   - Customisation options
   - Payment options
2. Customer-Facing Display Designs:

The customer-facing displays were designed to enhance the overall dining experience. Key design aspects included:
   - Menu visibility
   - Order status updates
   - Integration with loyalty programs
3. Admin Panels:
The UX design for Banjos Bakery & Cafe's admin panels focused on streamlining and simplifying the management of their operations. This involved creating an intuitive and user-friendly dashboard for administrators and staff. Key features included:
   - Clear and concise data visualisation
   - Efficient order management
   - User role management
   - Responsive design

Overall, the UX design work for Banjos Bakery & Cafe aimed to improve efficiency for staff, increase customer satisfaction, and create a cohesive and visually appealing digital ecosystem that reflected the brand's values and commitment to quality service.
Project completed with Coding Hands Infotech LLP, Kerala, India.

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